^_MeLoDieS oF LiFe_^

Just an introduction => “Melodies of Life”

Posted on: 26/03/2009


hallo, a-lo, namasskaram, hola, salvete, hoi, hello, shalom, ahn nyeong ha se yo, doumo, aloha, namaste, guten tag, bonjour, ni hao, haai, zdraveite, hej, sawa dee-ka, merhaba (halo dlm 20 bahasa)

Well guys, ini post pertama gw loh :p

Now, gw mau berbagi cerita kenapa ini blog bisa dilahirkan ke dunia (emang ada yg ngandung? Lho?! Hahaha).

Okay, Let me begin !!
Sebenernya 23 Maret 2009 merupakan sebuah hari yg biasa-biasa saja, gw lg libur en pagi-pagi uda memutuskan ngenet di madang alias kampus trcinta gw yg hotspotnya lelet bnget kaya bebek, sambil ngerjain laporan praktikum Patologi Klinik yg mesti dikumpul hari itu juga.

Ga tau emg uda biasa ato kesialan gw yah, tuh inet lambet banget, gilaa gondok sekilo dah nunggunya en udah kurang lebih 4 jam gw duduk di salah satu pojok perpustakaan, tentunya gw nyari tmpat yg adem en ada AC nya, secara cuaca lg panas banget!

Gw nge-donlod lagu, update program sambil buka fesbuk, hihihi
Temen gw yg tadinya nemenin gw ngenet uda pada cabut gr2 ga nahan sama ‘kebebekan’ tuh inet.
Yah tinggallah gw dgn beberapa gelintir kakak tingkat yg agak asing di sana, waktu itu download’an gw uda 60%, sayang kan ditinggal.
Jadi gw memutuskan ngerjain ‘self learning’ tutorial alias Problem Base Learning or PBL, sambil nungguin 60% jadi 100%^^

Selang waktu berlalu, all things already finished yet.
Tiba-tiba kepikiran mw ngebuka blog dr. ARS yg katanya bagus isinya.
Gw pun ngebuka itu blog di arisajiadi.wordpress.com.
Buka punya buka, ternyata gw mesti ‘sign up’ dulu en een eeen ei..ie..eng, akhirnya sang author menitiskan (lebay) sebuah blog yg diberi nama Melodies of Life tepatnya pukul 12.34 p.m, why2 gw ngasih blog gw dgn nama tersebut? ^^~

Tuh nama gw suka banget, yah secara gw suka all thing yg berbau music gt, hehehe..

Yeah, I alweis believe that life has its own harmony
We just complete it with our own melodies to make it be a simple and sweet sonata..
Surely God is our greatest composer, He let us to choose our each tone, high or low depends on our voice and then He creates a beautiful soft symphony that we’ve heard in daily life..

Yeph2 cukup berkeren-keren ria ^^,
Actually itu nama berasal dr sebuah soundtrack ‘Final Fantasy’ yg lirik, nada ama melody nya gud banget en judulnya ya Melodies of Life 🙂

Well sebenernya lagi, acara ngeblog2an uda tenar di kalangan kami (baca:remaja yg kurang kerjaan ^^v), en salah seorang sistah gw, yg dikenal org sebagai Arina Aryani yg baik hati dan tidak sombong :lol:, memamerkan blog nya atau lebih tepat mempromosikan blognya en ngajak kami (lulz famz) ikutan ngeblog, xo gw pikir gak ada salahnya kan gw bikin 1 account di sini^^
Okay, I think the story is the end xp~~~

Xo, eniwei, betewei, buswei, gw mesti ngasih oedjapan terima kasih buat :

– God my one en onleh salvation, who alweis loves me without exception en limitation

en then..
Admira mi que le dio la inspiraciòn en la vida, Gracias..
(Thx buat orang-orang yg uda memberikan inspirasi di dalam hidupku) :

– buat mom n pap gw yg uda nge’gedein gw
– buat brother2 gw Hendri en Anton
– en special thanks agein, for the pure love that you’ve brought to my life: CYBONE (temen2 SMA gw kelas 1); SECRET (temen2 SMA gw kelas 3); LULLABY (temen2 Kuliah); bestfren gw yg laen en masih byak lagi

thx.. coz may be, next time gw mau pinjem nama en kisah kalian buat hiasin blog gw!


thx a lot buat semua pihak yg mendukung terciptanya blok gw alias Melodies of Life :
– buat laptop gw
– buat Final Fantasy yg udah meminjamkan nama soundtracknya jd nama blog gw
– buat hotspot FK Madang yg kaya bebek xixixi
– buat perpustakaan yg uda minjemin kursi ama meja selama 4 jam buat gw ngenet (penting ga seh?!)

Thats all our introduction, let me show u the other side en the other ‘melodies’ of my life in my next posting!!
Dankee 🙂

Reflection today:

“You can avoid reality, but you can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding reality”


2 Responses to "Just an introduction => “Melodies of Life”"


nama saya : arina ariyani, not arina aryani. 😀

Gud begining!!

as people say, lebih baik punya sendiri daripada tidak punya sama sekali.

Ok dak tuh sist peribahasanyo? ^^d

nih lirik melodies of life dari Final Fantasy IX

Alone for a while I’ve been searching through the dark
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain
Melodies of life–love’s lost refrain

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye
And who’ll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold
In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me
Though you’re gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

* A voice from the past, joining yours and mine
Adding up the layers of harmony
And so it goes, on and on
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds–forever and beyond

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky
I’ve laid my memories and dreams upon those wings
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

* Repeat

If I should leave this lonely world behind
Your voice will still remember our melody
Now I know we’ll carry on
Melodies of life
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts
As long as we remember

mw yg jepang..? gw juga ad

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